Tuesday, November 18, 2014

5 ways moving could actually save you money

While most of us dread the thought of moving – and usually for good reasons, it doesn’t always have to be a bad thing.

When you are contemplating your next move, keep some of the following ideas in mind to help you reduce costs and think about ways that could save you some serious cash over time. While there are some quick wins as well to immediately reduce the cost of the move, some of these tips will continue to save you money well after you are done moving and could even be implemented right now if you want to lower your bills or save a few bucks.

http://www.detroitnews.com/story/business/personal-finance/2014/11/17/five-ways-moving-actually-save-money/19159383/5 ways moving could actually save you money Unless you’re downsizing, moving doesn’t usually lead to saving money. After all, between hiring movers, renting a moving truck, furnishing the new space and making back-and-forth trips (not to mention potentially having to break your lease), moving is usually something people have to do, not something they choose to do to save money.

But if you’re moving locally, or even out of state for work or other reasons, there are some ways you can save money if you plan.

Whether it’s picking a cheaper ZIP code or renegotiating some of your bills, a move doesn’t have to incur costs. Here are several ways you can save money with a new address.

When moving to a new city, or relocating to a new part of town, take into account your commute.

Driving 40 miles versus five of course makes a different, but what about taking the highway versus side streets?

In my recent move, I also made the mistake of purchasing everything for my new apartment before changing my address. More than $300 was racked up on the basics, from cleaning supplies to trash cans and additional kitchenware.

Once I changed my address online I received a packet in the mail with a dozen coupons to Home Depot, Pottery Barn and Target, among others. I made sure to go back to each store with my receipts to get the discount after the fact, but if I’d waited to change my address for much longer I could have lost out on my opportunity to save as much as 20 percent on my purchases.

If you’re not looking to move but are faced with a rent increase at the end of your lease, you could save money by opting to move rather than pay more rent. Look at prices for comparable apartments or homes in the area. If you live in an apartment complex with vacancies, look into the listing prices for these units. Oftentimes, updates and renovations are done to apartments between tenants, so a unit that just opened up in your building might have new appliances or a carpet for a lower price than your landlord is now asking of you with a lease renewal.

Moving can be a great opportunity to renegotiate your cable and Internet package, especially since many introductory rates expire after a year or so. According to The Fiscal Femme, Time Warner Cable increases certain packages by $20 each month after the second year of service. Starting over, even locally, can give you the opportunity to take advantage of introductory rate periods again.

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